Halo™ Fractional Laser Treatment

Revitalize your skin's radiance with Halo laser resurfacing—customizable treatment addressing sun damage, wrinkles, dullness, discoloration, and more, leaving you with a glowing complexion and noticeable improvements in tone, texture, and fine lines.


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with booking your appointment!
Halo™ Fractional Laser Treatment

Restore your glow with Halo laser resurfacing! Over time, sun damage and the body’s natural aging process can cause sun spots, wrinkles, and dull skin. Halo is a complete rejuvenation treatment. It has two wavelengths, ablative and non-ablative, that allow us to customize your treatment to suit your individual needs, reducing downtime and maximizing results. You’ll see improvements in overall tone and texture, in addition to a significant reduction of discoloration and fine lines, reduced pore size, better skin reflectivity, and a glow. Everyone needs one at least once a year. Halo, gorgeous!

Please call our team for further instructions.
Downtime will vary based on the aggressiveness of the procedure and your body’s response. Typical downtime is 5-7 days.
With proper skin care, your Halo results can last for years, and with each additional treatment, your results will continue to improve.
Procedure Time:
Please call our team to see if you qualify.
Before / After Photos

Halo™ Fractional Laser Treatment


Give our team a call to learn more about this treatment.

Halo™ Fractional Laser Treatment

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