Ablative Erbium Resurfacing

To determine if Ablative Erbium Resurfacing is the suitable treatment for your skin concerns, we strongly advise scheduling a consultation. During the consultation, we can assess your skin condition, discuss your desired results, and customize the treatment plan accordingly. Your safety, satisfaction, and achieving the best possible outcome are our top priorities.


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with booking your appointment!
Ablative Erbium Resurfacing

For deep wrinkles, lumps and bumps.

Contour TRL by Sciton is an ideal procedure to “redo” your skin by removing the areas of damaged or wrinkled skin and jumpstarting collagen production. The new, healthy cells that are regenerated give your complexion a younger and more rejuvenated appearance. An increase in collagen results in thicker, more resilient skin with fewer deep wrinkles, creases, and fine lines.

Using ablative erbium technology, we tailor each procedure depending on the condition of your skin, your desired results, and the amount of downtime you can accommodate. It’s perfect for medium-to-deep wrinkles (even in difficult to treat areas like around the mouth and eyes), uneven pigment, actinic keratoses (pre-cancerous lesions), stubborn lumps and bumps (syringomas around the eyes, enlarged oil glands) and overall tone and texture. Get ready, it’s something, but worth it. Need 2 weeks of downtime, and forever out of the sun. Consult is essential.

Please call our team for further instructions.
At least 2 weeks.
Avoid the sun.
Procedure Time:
Please call our team to see if you qualify.
Before / After Photos

Ablative Erbium Resurfacing


Give our team a call to learn more about this treatment.

Ablative Erbium Resurfacing

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